Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Living Room and Blueberry muffins

Since a couple of my friends haven't been over our new house yet, they asked if I could take pictures of our house and post them up. I lost my camera charger, and my Iphone is terrible at taking decent pictures, but better than nothing I guess. I really like our house, and I wish  all of our family and friends could live closer.

We have a big window in our living room, which makes it hard to take a picture without having a little blur. You can see my unfinished balloon wreath on the couch and my obsession with blogs on the computer screen. Today I am grateful for blueberry muffins made by Jamie, one of my favorite recipe blogs. She has the best blueberry muffin recipe which I made this morning, and for a gym membership that keeps me in check. Love you guys!

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