Thursday, January 26, 2012

Early gifts..

My birthday just passed (December 7th), meaning I've got a way's to go until my next one. Problem is I've already asked for my gift early... Like way early as in NOW. I've been sneaking my way with this for a while. Ask my mom. She'll totally blab on me. You see when I want something that I know I may possibly not get, I use the "Please?, As a birthday gift?!! Tyler and I were talking about my scheming the other night when I somehow used my birthday conning on him [of all people].. (I'm not even sure what it was I asked for)... Which goes to prove I really!  He pointed out that my birthday was less than a month ago, in other words- Not gonna happen babe, nice try".. I told him it could be my Valentine's gift then. Ha!! who are we kidding? But I want to know.. How many of you have used this line before? Have you heard it from someone else? Or am I the only one?

I remember what is on my wishlist....

Any essie nail polish. I'm completely obsessed. Especially the chinchilly one and in stitches. A girl can dream.

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